LOGO CMI - Costruzioni Meccaniche IndustrialiCostruzioni Meccaniche Industriali


Our products

Standard hydraulic cylinders
Standard hydraulic cylinders
Special hydraulic cylinders
Special hydraulic cylinders
Industrial assemblies
Industrial assemblies
Industrial installations
Industrial installations

Industrial Assemblies Department

Authorised Assembly Centre

CMI, already Authorised Assembly Centre, is also POMINI Rubber & Plastics Srl’s warehouse since 2013, company belonging to HF Mixing Group.
Guida Impianti

Our commitment towards the environment

C.M.I. has always been careful to aspects concerning environmental protection, trying to combine technological/economic development and environmental sustainability.

76261 kWh
Energy produced in 2014
110 to
Total saving of CO2 not emitted in the environment, in 2014

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CMI’s history

CMI’s history

Founded in 1981 as company specialised in high-profile industrial assemblies on behalf of third parties, it has always been characterised by a vision strongly focused on the future and constant improvement, based on three main concepts: skills, reliability and safety.

In addition to the historical business division, the hydraulic department was introduced in 2006 which deals with hydraulic systems, installations and cylinders.

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Contact us

Via San Defendente, 86
20010 Boffalora Sopra Ticino
Milan - Italy

Tel. +39 02 97259077
Fax. +39 02 97258817
Email: contact@cmi-srl.biz

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